The Republican race for the presidential nomination has been compared to a clown car with its circus of candidates. No one expected Donald Trump to be more than a joke. Now he might seriously get the nomination.
The Eugene mayoral race might also lend itself to clown car comparisons, with its plethora of candidates. Thus far two candidates have stood out the most: Lucy Vinis, because she reflects Eugene’s concern for social issues and the environment, and Mike Clark, because his votes show he does not.
The race also includes a couple more candidates who care deeply about the city and its people: Former EWEB commissioner Bob Cassidy and feisty Scott Landfield of Tsunami Books. Landfield’s passion and Cassidy’s clear concern for issues — such as what will happen to the EWEB riverfront property and the fate of Kesey Square — help deepen the debate.
Candidates such as Stefan Strek are more puzzling. Strek forgot about his interview with EW, and his public appearances have not clarified just why he’s in the race. A final potential candidate, Ken Johnson, entered the race but then did not complete his candidate filing.
Still, contested races are great for democracy. We need choices in our leadership. EW hopes that Eugene residents vote for a candidate who seeks to make this city better for everyone and our environment.
Don’t let a loser win. — Camilla Mortensen
Progressive Values Lucy Vinis has a liberal track record
Councilor Clark and his 10-year track record
Scott Landfield The anti-establishment candidate
Bob Cassidy Wants Your Vote