Two days left for 4J’s community input survey

Eugene School District 4J is circulating an online survey aimed at parents, staff and community members. 4J seeks input on "what is working well, what could be improved and priorities for the future of 4J schools." The district says that 1,750 people have already taken the survey.

Information collected from the anonymous survey will be used to construct a strategic vision for 4J, "a roadmap for the next few years," according to the district. The survey is available in English and Spanish.

Among other questions, the survey asks "As a community, what do we want our public schools and school district to provide for our students?" and gives a list of priorities, including, "Extracurricular programs, such as clubs, sports and student organizations," "highly qualified teachers and staff," "higher graduation rates," "quality, up-to-date curriculum materials," "higher test scores"and more. The survey also offers a write-in option.

Find the survey here and learn more about it at 4J's website. Access closes Sunday, April 3.

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