Lane County Area Spray Schedule 4-14-16

Oregon Department of Transportation is spraying roadsides. Call 503-986-3010 to talk with a Vegetation Management Coordinator or call 1-888-996-8080 for recent herbicide application information. Highways I-5, 99, 101 and 126 East were recently sprayed.

Seneca Jones Timber Company, 689-1011, is planning to hire JR Helicopters, 509-452-3300, to aerially spray 109 acres near Hawley Creek East of Lorane with 2,4-D, clopyralid, glyphosate, hexazinone, sulfometuron methyl, atrazine and/or Crosshair. See ODF notification 2016-781-04302, call Dan Menk or Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.

Giustina Land and Timber Company, 345-2301, plans to hire Northwest Reforestation Services, 554-0489, to spray a total of 145.5 acres on two units East of Lorane with triclopyr, glyphosate and/or Forest Crop Oil. See ODF notification 2016-781-04342, call Brian Peterson at 541-935-2283 with questions.

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