It’s come to light since last week’s Pollution Update that in addition to the warning letter the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) recently sent to the Springfield Target Store (store number 612, located at Gateway Mall) for hazardous waste law violations, the Springfield Target was one of four Oregon Target stores that were assessed a penalty of $6,850 by DEQ on May 13 for failing to obtain authorization for “underground injection control” (UIC) systems. The Springfield Target store has six roof and parking lot UICs, which have the potential to degrade groundwater quality if not properly maintained and operated. DEQ also recently assessed a penalty of $7,217 against McFarland Cascade Holdings, Inc. for discharging illegal levels of pentachlorophenol and copper to the South Yamhill River from its Sheridan wood treatment facility in December and January. McFarland Cascade Pole & Lumber Company operates a wood treatment facility on Hwy. 99 in Eugene that also discharges pentachlorophenol and copper to Oregon waters.