Lane County Area Spray Schedule 6-2-16

Oregon Department of Transportation is spraying roadsides. Call (503) 986-3010 to talk with a vegetation management coordinator or call 1-888-996-8080 for recent herbicide application information. Hwys. 36, 101 and 126 were recently sprayed.

Rosboro LLC, 736-2100, plans to hire Oregon Forest Management Services, Inc., to ground spray five units totaling 290.1 acres near Deadwood and Hwy. 36 with imazapyr targeting maple trees for release of conifer trees. See ODF notifications 2016-781-06728, 2016-781-06729, 2016-781-06743, 2016-781-06749 and 2016-781-06751, call Robin Biesecker at (541) 935-2283 with questions.

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