We Are Whiteaker

A selection of residents who make the neighborhood, well, the best

They grow up so fast. The Whiteaker Block Party turns 10 this year and it’s bound to be one for the books — more than 120 years after Oregon’s first governor, John Whiteaker, procured 10 blocks in the neighborhood. To celebrate, EW pays homage to some of the people who keep the Whiteaker weird, whimsical, wayward and wonderful, as well as offering some tips to squeezing the most out of your block party experience. Here’s to the next 10 years.

Kari Johnson 

Muralist & activist

Would rename WBP: Festival Ninkasi

Thoughts on WBP: “I love everybody coming to the Whit; I love a party; I love seeing everyone’s fashion and all the music at the same time. I wish there was stuff like that every few weeks.”

Jimmy Stiner

Musician & barista at Wandering Goat

Would rename WBP: The Whiteaker Cock Block Party

Thoughts on WBP: “It’s fun and annoying at the same time. I say ‘cock block’ in reference to the ideals and true artists that the Whiteaker at one time held to a higher degree being cock blocked or overlooked as a giant exploitation of a community.”

Wayde Love

Community organizer & WBP co-founder

Would rename WBP: “I don’t think I would rename it.”

Thoughts on WBP: “I think it’s one of the best parties in the universe. It’s a great thing all the way around. And it’s free, dude. That’s no small feat.”

Johnny Scooter

Veteran & CEO at Swillers, Inc.

Would rename WBP: “The Great Cluster Fuck”

Thoughts on WBP: “It think it’s one of the best events. I’ve been here nine of the 10 years, and it’s just been growing and growing, and it gets busier and busier every year.”

Suzen Tattoozen-Tanton 

Tattoo artist & owner of Whiteaker Tattoo Collective

Would rename WBP: “I would not rename it; that’s really what it is.”

Thoughts on WBP: “It’s fabulous. It is getting bigger, but we’re starting out with a base of Whiteaker people. It’s a celebration of our neighborhood.”

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