Lane County Spray Schedule

Seneca Jones Timber (541-689-1011) has notified on multiple units in Lane and Douglas counties. Avel Salgado of Oregon Forest Management Services, Springfield, (541-520-5941) will spot spray two units near Weiss Road just south of Hamm Road: 4.4 acres and 74.7 acres. Poison mixture is triclopyr with acid, amine, choline and ester, and additives Conquer, Hi-Light Blue and MSO Concentrate. Start date Sept. 9. Seneca forester is Ted Reiss (541-607-7299). Oregon Department of Forestry forester is Jay Morey in Roseburg (541-440-3412). Notification # 2016-730-10319.

Curt McKinney (541-521-5897) notified on 304.4 acres, units near Loraine Hwy., on the old McNutt place owned by Transition Management. Nick Domes Timber Services (503-910-1120) will spray a mixture of glyphosate, hexazinone, imazapyr and triclopyr with acid and amine, and additive MSO (methylated seed oil) Concentrate. Start Sept. 14. Notification # 2016-781-10627. ODF Forester Brian Peterson (541-935-2283).

Compiled by Forestland Dwellers (541-342-8332)

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