Lane County Area Spray Schedule

Giustina Land & Timber, 541-345-2301, plans to hire Northwest Reforestation Services LLC, 541-520-6215, to ground spray 55.3 acres near Lookout Point Lake with glyphosate, triclopyr with ester and Crop Oil Concentrate. See ODF notification 2017-771-04978, call Tim Meehan at 541-726-3588 with questions.

Richard Reardon, 541-525-4724, plans to plans to hire Northwest Reforestation Services LLC, 541-520-6215, to ground spray 3.6 acres near the north side of Hamm Road with Polaris SP, Polaris AC, Garlon 4 Ultra, Westar, Velpar DF, Oust XP and/or Forest Crop Oil. See ODF notification 2017-781-05186, call Brian Peterson at 541-935-2283 with questions.

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