Lane County Area Spray Information

Douglas Creek, west Lane County, Marlow Road and Dexter Lake

Seneca Jones Timber is hiring Avel Salgado (541-520-5941) to ground spray 56.9 acres with imazapyr and triclopyr just north of Douglas Creek in west Lane County. Call Ted Reiss with questions (541-689-1011).  Notification # 781-10167.

Giustina Resources (541-485-1500) is hiring Craig Shimp, Sherwood, (503-467-1255) to ground spray roadsides on 84.4 acres just south of Lowell across Dexter Lake with glyphosate and triclopyr. Notification # 771-10079.

Giustina Land and Timber (541-345-2301) is hiring Johnny Salgado (541-520-6215) to ground spray 79.6 acres just south of Marlow Road with mixture of imazapyr, glyphosate, triclopyr and metsulfuron methyl. Notification # 781-10124.

Giustina Land and Timber forester Garrett Yarbrough adding glyphosate, aminopyralid, metsulfuron methyl and imazapyr to ground spray on multiple units in west Lane County. Notification # 781-02857.

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