At the recent debate between Sid Leiken and Joe Berney for Lane County commissioner, Leiken, the incumbent, said Lane County will close the Glenwood Garbage Transfer station to build an indoor track facility.

The Glenwood Transfer station is a wonderful community asset. If it’s moved, garbage haulers will have to drive all the way to Short Mountain. This would raise their costs, which would be passed on to customers. Without this convenient location, illegal dumping will increase. The station is on hilly ground, a poor choice for a flat track field.

Whose idea was this? It’s not a good use of community resources. Imagine the costs of tearing down and rebuilding a new station elsewhere. It would cost all of us, cause inconvenience for homeowners, builders and others who go to Glenwood with discarded appliances, tires and hazardous waste that no one else will take.

Why did we just hear about this from Leiken? The only way to stop this is to vote in a new Lane County Commission.

My vote is going for Joe Berney. He will listen to Lane County citizens and be open with issues that affect our community.

Lane County certainly needs Joe Berney.

Sue Mandeville


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