There is a more qualified candidate running for East Lane County Commissioner, except you wouldn’t know that if you read the Eugene Weekly’s endorsement (4/26).
As a Eugene resident represented by the District 5 East Lane County Commissioner, a voter, a former Churchill Area Neighborhood Chair and current member of the Eugene Sustainability Commission, I’ve followed this race closely. I’ve met and listened to all the candidates. That’s why I was confused by the absence of Tim Laue in your endorsement of the candidates.
Laue has run a strong campaign. Why would EW ignore Tim, the many voters and the McKenzie River community that has given him tremendous support? My only guess is that you don’t know Tim and you don’t know the communities.
The Weekly can endorse whomever it chooses, but when the best candidate is ignored, it makes me believe the paper has not evaluated all the candidates equally. Laue talks about all our communities, believes that solutions are local and that people working together in neighborhoods is what really makes the difference for all of us.
When candidates are ignored, even though they’ve run strong campaigns and represent voices in the community, you are ignoring the community. I am one of the people you are ignoring.
I support Tim Laue. I’m impressed with the groundswell of backing he has received precisely because he focuses on local communities. In ignoring Laue, EW is in danger of pandering to a very few at the expense of the citizens of East Lane.
Thomas Price, Eugene
I’ve known Tim Laue for almost 20 years. In that time I’ve seen him demonstrate a passion for our area and people. He’s a proven advocate for all residents of Lane County, but particularly for those who would fall through the cracks without a strong voice.
Laue can be the voice for those most at-risk in Lane County. He is committed to improving life for all Lane County residents.
His long history of service to this community has already proven his commitment to our area and people. I share his concern that our public services are seriously lacking, and applaud his dedication to improving public safety and the inadequate housing in our county.
Laue, as an avid outdoorsman, is dedicated to protecting our environment to ensure future generations can enjoy the beauty of Lane County.
Lane County needs Tim Laue as Commissioner. I urge you to support him May 15.
Kimberly Moore, Eugene
It was with profound disappointment that I discovered no mention/endorsement of Tim Laue for East Lane Commissioner by the Eugene Weekly (4/26).
As a McKenzie River Resident I am frequently frustrated when Eugene area radio stations ignore what happens in our area. Laue is a dedicated, experienced, hard-working and honest candidate who lives upriver and knows our concerns. We need him to represent us.
The Eugene Weekly seems to also ignore concerns that residents up river have.
Carolyn Gabriel, Blue River
The theme of Tim Laue’s campaign for East Lane County Commissioner is “Common Decency, Common Sense, Common Ground, for the Common Good.” Laue has run a hard-fought and fair campaign exemplifying those beliefs. He has attended every forum, responded to the multitude of questionnaires and tirelessly contacted voters by mail, by phone and by foot.
So why wouldn’t Laue even be mentioned in your endorsements?
I live up the McKenzie and I have seen Laue in action — helping, listening to local needs, and celebrating our community, our solutions and bringing hope. We out here in East Lane often feel forgotten. Not even mentioning Laue as a serious candidate is yet another example.
It is not possible to make an informed decision without all the information. The Eugene Weekly can and should make its own endorsement choice, but it should also fairly represent the communities and the candidates making the effort to run.
That’s common decency and common sense. It is for the common good. As clear as the message has been, it’s a wonder you haven’t gotten it. Tim Laue’s message has been everywhere, including in your own paper the last month.
Maybe you don’t read your own paper. Or worse, big city politics and cronyism are more important to the Weekly than East Lane.
Tony Casad, Blue River