Web Extra! Election Letters to the Editor

Haven't voted yet? Here's a bunch of letters we didn't have room to print



Dear Forty-three Percent (of “registered” non-voters in 2016 general election):

I implore the party of apathy to vote in this primary election. Minus you, in 2016, “three million illegal immigrants voted,” says President Trump.

Non-voters degraded democracy and, I fear, remain ill-informed, manifest by MacGuffins gleaned from social media, faux news personalities impeached by Trump’s personal lawyer, the patented White House press corps and, then, regurgitated like owl pellets as real news littering the information highway.

Apathy begets ignorance vis-a-vis science denial is 21st-century Scopes Monkey Trial.

Apathy makes America great again for orbiting ozone-depleting elites with tax cuts that afford yachts and vacation villas with airstrips and discretionary six-figure income to hush illicit indiscretions.

I digress.

Apathy elected a Cub Scout with General Patton fetishes bigly as his comb-over and merit badges for mastering the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth.

Apathy is sloth on steroids.

Drat! See what you didn’t do?

Having stated … I intuit 43 percent ain’t likely reading this.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fifty-seven Percent,

Dear Sir and Madam One Percent … Never mind.

Michael Thessen





In the May election, I will be voting for Mindy Schlossberg to be on the EWEB Board because she is the right candidate for the job.

As a speech pathologist working with young people and their parents, Schlossberg understands how important it is that public agencies provide services in a way that everyone can access. She will be a strong voice for families and particularly those who are experiencing financial hardships.

Over the next few years, EWEB will play an integral role in determining whether we meet our aggressive, council-adopted community-wide climate goals. Schlossberg will help lead EWEB into a low-carbon future by advocating for programs that support clean energy and energy efficiency.

Let’s face it, there is no shortage of formidable challenges in Eugene — and I understand there may be a few more just around the corner. What can we do about it?

We can elect smart, creative leaders like Mindy Schlossberg. We can elect a professional who understands the value of being proactive. We can promote someone who will work across traditional boundaries to overcome our biggest obstacles.  We can vote for Mindy.

Matt McRae



Victor Odivak is a candidate for EWEB Commissioner At-large position. A member of Eugene’s Families For Safe Meters, he is a wise, dedicated and hard-working man who has done much research on the many problems with so-called smart meters. A retired physics teacher, he is also a strong advocate for solar incentives.

Of the three candidates running, Odivak is the only one addressing the issues with smart meters.

Our analog meters last 50 to 60 years, the smart meters seven to 10 years maximum, and are guaranteed for only two years. There are the health issues with the EMRs (electric magnetic radiation) emitted by these meters that the analog meter does not have.

In other areas where smart meters have been used, consumers have seen their electrical bills increase. There are also the much-added costs of the smart meter infrastructure.

Gen. David Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, has warned repeatedly of the security risks involved with smart meters and a centralized electric grid. A centralized grid is very vulnerable to hacking, EMPs by solar flares or adversarial pulsations. There are also issues with privacy. The analog meter has none of these very serious issues.

The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is not investing in smart meters and neither is Russia. Please see the Internet regarding recent legal information on smart meter lawsuits in California, Arizona, Illinois, Hawaii, Florida, Alabama, Texas, etc.

Cindy Allen



State Representative


I have issues with the Eugene Weeklys portrayal of Kimberly Koops in the endorsement article.

Kimberly is not just a law student. She also works as a law clerk for SEIU and as a legislative assistant in the Office of Government and Community Relations at the University of Oregon.

Additionally, saying that Kimberly needs “toughening up” simply isn’t true and is inherently sexist. Men running for office are never told they need “toughening up.”  At the age of 28 Koops has already built an impressive resume. Koops is a former union organizer and has been endorsed by AFSCME, Oregon Nurses Association, American Federation of Teachers and the UFCW, as well as many others. Kimberly also worked for Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, drafting legislation to support sexual assault survivors and increased funding for K-12 curriculums aimed at preventing sexual assault and domestic violence.

Koops is already tough, and has more than what it takes to get the job done. Oregonians in District 11 will greatly benefit from what she brings to the table.

Claire Reilly



As a student, I have firsthand experience of the difficulties of finding housing, holding a job and earning good grades in classes. Considering the candidates for the House District 11 seat, I see really only one good choice: Marty Wilde.

HD 11 has many students, and Wilde listens to them and understands their needs. In an incredibly competitive job market, just getting an education won’t cut it. Internships and experience in the workforce are necessary.

Wilde knows that. Not only does his campaign provide ways for students to get involved in making a difference, but as executive director of the Lane County Medical Society, Wilde provides internship opportunities for students to learn more about how the state legislature and the city work.

Real leadership is helping your followers succeed as a group and as individuals.  Wilde has a proven track record of leading successful organizations and giving students a leg-up in the workforce, unlike his opponent. Students have always been the future, and Wilde makes sure that we are prepared.

For HD11, elect Democrat Marty Wilde, a candidate who supports the future.

Jacob Faatz



It is rare to find a first-time candidate as qualified as Marty Wilde is for state representative. I considered running for the position myself, but after sitting down to talk with Wilde, I am confident he is the best choice for House District 11. I serve on the board for Emerald People’s Utility District and issues around public power are close to my heart. I want to make sure our state legislators truly understand the issues affecting public power and ratepayers. Marty Wilde proved that he understands the issues and is a strong advocate of public power.

HD 11 is a diverse district, representing the areas from rural East Lane County to the UO. Wilde was raised in rural Lane County and has a deep understanding of the difficulties rural communities face. He attended school in Eugene and has been an active participant in civic life as an adult. I found him to be a devoted father who thinks critically about the future for his kids. As a 27-year-old, I am convinced that he will represent people of all ages.

Marty Wilde will be a fantastic representative for our entire district and has my full support.

Brandon Jordan


County Commission


I’m writing in support of Joe Berney in his campaign for election to the Lane County Board of Commissioners. In both the public and private sectors, Berney is known for stimulating family-wage jobs, addressing fair access to health care, promoting environmental stewardship and advocating for affordable housing.

He is a successful businessman with an excellent vision for where Lane County should be setting its priorities. He has a track record of effective budget oversight and, with a background in resource efficiency, is certain to eliminate waste in county operations.

Let’s put years of political chicanery at the county behind us and bring in new and qualified leadership to the County Commission.

Vote Joe!

Eric Nill




How many elected officials do you trust to look out for you over big money interests?

I trust James Barber. I support Barber for Lane County Commissioner because he is really serious about getting big money out of politics. A lot of people say they believe in campaign finance reform. James Barber is leading on this vitally important issue with integrity.

Barber pledges to accept donations only from individuals like us. He does not accept campaign donations from corporations, PACs, unions or any other organizations. Before you vote, check to see where candidates are getting their money — OreStar lists any donations over $100.

I’ve checked OreStar and seen the thousands of dollars given by businesses and special interests to many candidates, except one. This is why I trust Barber will be working for the people of Lane County and not any special interests with deep pockets. He says he wants a Lane County government that’s responsive to the people. I believe him, and he has my support.

I only wish he were in my district and I could vote for him.

Joy Thomson 




If we want truly progressive leadership, centered on shared economic prosperity, human rights and sustainability, we can’t only depend on “picks” by our democratic establishment. We deserve to see a good, clean race in which we hear from the candidates themselves concerning their positions on the issues that affect our community; then let the people decide. I appreciate the public forums and citizen-led efforts to elect fresh, qualified and more democratically minded people to the Lane County Board of Commissioners. It’s past time. I’m leaning toward James Barber for East Lane County Commissioner. Besides demonstrating his commitment to people-centered politics, and doing the hard work of organizing diverse people on the ground, the fact that he accepts donations only from people and not corporate interests is going to be a big factor in making my decision. When money is out of politics, in small and big races alike, then the government will do the will of the people. I’m starting with our local government.

Patty Hine



East Lane County Commissioner candidate Heather Buch sounds like a real workaholic. I have to wonder, though, as she is a principle owner/broker of a property management company, is going full-bore as special projects director for her stepdad, Terry McDonald at St. Vinnie’s, and, as she is essentially the main parent of a 4-year-old while her husband is out of town for months, how does she have any time left in her day to also take on a fulltime job as a County Commissioner?

I like that she’s a woman and, obviously, looking at her endorsers, she is well connected with movers and shakers locally and must be raking the campaign funds in!

But, we need a focused, fulltime commissioner to take over Gary Williams’ seat, and the question is: Can she find the time to do the job well? I wonder.

Robin Bloomgarden


City Performance Auditor


Although I live in the Elmira community now, I was one of the chairs of the 2002 Eugene Citizen Charter Review Committee that forwarded the recommendation for the elected performance auditor to be sent to the ballot in the early 2000s. The City Council at the time would not allow voters to decide its fate by not forwarding it to the ballot for consideration.

However, I am very encouraged to see that the citizens of Eugene are, after more than 15 years, finally being given this opportunity to vote on this important measure to improve Eugene city government. All eight of the committee’s other recommendations were voted on and unanimously approved by Eugene residents long, long ago.

As a career certified public accountant, municipal finance manager and auditor, I believe this an extraordinary chance to have an independent elected performance auditor voice for Eugene.

Remember this: It’s your money, your measure and your auditor — don’t squander this opportunity!

Vote “Yes” on Measure 20-283!

Marlene “Mitzi” Colbath



While I do believe that we need a Eugene performance auditor, I will vote for the appointed city auditor Measure 20-287. Had the 2002 Charter Review Committee, Performance Auditor Proposal (also calling for an appointed auditor) been referred to the ballot for a public vote and passed, quite possibly some of the problems and “mistakes” in recent years could have been prevented.

Communication problems between the city manager and the City Council might have been more efficiently negotiated with outcomes more successful. It’s a cooperative relationship-affirming proposal that may have worked very well for the past 15 years, much like Measure 20-287 could be a positive move forward today.

The opposing Measure 20-283 has from its inception struck me as having a punitive nature — “You have made mistakes and from here on out you will be supervised.” Others weigh the merits; I must also weigh the intent. I will always cast my ballot for cooperative, open and trust-building relationships with our elected officials rather than for punitive and mistrusting ones, especially at the local level — the very roots of our democratic system.

Please join me in voting “Yes” on Measure 20-287.

Rebecca La Mothe



“Give ‘em the same but different,” they say in Hollywood. It means you’re going to get the same story. Cosmetically different, it isn’t. Not because there’s a “good story,” and they know it. There are lots of stories. It’s because Hollywood is about making money for Hollywood. That’s what they know about. That’s the story behind the story.

The same is true of Eugene city government. The policy position might seem to change, but the story behind the story is about money: keep “the money-stream.” It’s how they get paid. It’s how their friends get paid.

This same old story will lead us to further environmental disaster, further violence at home and abroad, further economic devastation for billions. And more bad Hollywood movies.

It’s why our bike infrastructure sucks, why we impoverish our community with bonds, giving tax breaks to the one percent, and why all these folks are coming out against an elected auditor who might lay bare that insider money stream.

To offer up the “same, but different” council-appointed “performance” auditor with another toothless review board can seem nothing less than corrupt.

If we want a new story, we must demand it — with our vote, with our local spending, with help for our neighbors, with time and activism. Let’s have an independent elected auditor.

It’s no more than seeing the story behind the story. And, by God, let’s look forward to reading those audits.

Otis Haschemeyer



City Hall costs are adding up to more and more dollars down the drain! The $1.3 million annual rent for the many city hall facilities fails to include the cost of move, the cost of remodeling and the cost of traveling from one city hall rental to another. We also discover that rental contracts are for 10 years.

I remember the neglect of the former City Hall with no paint repairs for years. Was this neglect a deliberate action to encourage its downfall?

When so many in our community need help with housing, I resent this huge waste of city funds and urge everyone to support measure 20-283. We need an elected and independent auditor!

Ruth Duemler


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