On June 10 I will be traveling to Washington, D.C. along with more than 225 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) advocates from all 50 states to meet with our congressmen and senators, urging them to support suicide prevention and mental health legislation.
Together we are standing up, speaking out and seeking improvements in five key areas that would play a vital role in preventing suicide and improving mental health across the country: increased funding for suicide prevention research; insurance coverage for mental health and substance use conditions; military and veteran suicide prevention; preservation of funding for suicide prevention programs; and increased funding for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-TALK) and Crisis Centers.
I lost my father and brother to suicide, and I live with bipolar disorder, so this cause is very personal for me.
I have dedicated my time to educating others about suicide prevention and mental health. In meeting with members of Congress, it’s our collective goal to effect real change in our government and further our mission to stop suicide.
Let’s make mental health as important as physical health and continue to bring hope to those affected by suicide.
Sara K. Scofield