Something EugeDan Pegoda


Trump and Korea, downtown, turtles, Hayward and more editorial opinions

• A bold MSNBC commentator reminded us during the Singapore meetings between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un that both leaders are avowed big-time liars. That’s a fact, so there is our context for measuring the meeting.

• Fay and Erik de Buhr and Tom Bowerman took home tiny metal turtles engraved with their names from the City Club of Eugene meeting June 8. They were winners of the club’s 2018 Turtle Awards primarily “for sticking one’s neck out for the good of the community.” A 27-year tradition, the Turtle Awards were introduced by John VanLandingham, the first turtle, who identified himself as the “unelected chair of an unelected committee.” The de Buhrs, who manage four city-approved camps for homeless, have housed 500 people over five years. “Helping people keeps us going,” they say. Tom Bowerman is head of PolicyInteractive that does values research. It directs his work on climate legislation, education and other issues. On climate change, he says, “It is us … we need to change our way of life.” Bowerman also works with Dan Bryant on housing projects. Go, Turtles!

• Rather than reinstate its dog ban that clearly focused on targeting the homeless over safety, the city of Eugene has now put in place a more legitimate rule. To have a canine in the downtown core, a dog owner must “hold a valid dog license that certifies the dog has been vaccinated for rabies, and the license must be attached to a collar or harness.” The city pointed out in its press release that the nonprofit group Pro-Bone-O can help the unhoused with that (make donations at Also, kudos to Eugene for focusing on bringing fun back to downtown with events like human foosball and bringing back the Eugene parade instead of focusing on driving out the homeless. Took them long enough! Is that why the parade theme is “spinning our wheels”?

• Overheard around town about the new plans for Hayward Field: That tall glass tower Phil Knight wanted to name after Bill Bowerman isn’t a phallic symbol, as many have called it. It’s a giant middle finger. 

 • Kudos to U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, who were named co-recipients of this year’s Wayne Morse Integrity in Politics Award from the Wayne Morse Historical Park Corporation Board. “We recognize those who hold public office and demonstrate an extraordinary level of integrity and willingness to take a stand even at considerable political cost,” WMHPCB President Johnny Earl said announcing the award on Tuesday, June 12. 

• We, like you, were stunned to hear of the suicides of designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain. It’s not enough to tell those who are suffering from depression that we are there for them, we have to reach out. 

What we’re reading: Ruth Downie is a British author best known for her mysteries featuring the “reluctant sleuth,” Gaius Petreius Ruso, set in the Roman world. The latest is Memento Mori, published in 2018. 

SLANT includes short opinion pieces, observations and rumor-chasing notes compiled by the EW editorial board. Heard any good rumors lately?  Contact

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