Poor People’s Campaign

I’d like to second the effort made by T’ruah, Rabbi Ruhi, Rev. William Barber and all the others that are participating in the Poor People’s Campaign (“Taking It To the Streets,” June 28). This is an especially critical time to take to the streets to fight for the poor, work to support our democratic institutions and oppose the policies of this destructive and flagrantly uncaring administration.

In a democracy, there are many “prophetic” readings of scripture, but mine corresponds to that which protects the immigrant and welcomes the stranger in our midst. It fights unjust laws and protects civil liberties.

And yes, there are other readings that are possible of the constitution and the Bible that represent the legacy of pluralism in our country and the ambiguity of scripture. But for some of us, as uncivil policies emerge, the response to that has to be strong, as it was when we opposed an unjust war and the existing injustices (many of which still persist) those many years ago.

I am proud to be a rabbinic member of T’ruah in Oregon as well as our Interfaith Clergy United, and to join with my friends and colleagues in this new iteration that opposes our demagogue-in-chief.Wake up to the apparently inexorable policies that are rolling back human and civil rights in our time!

Rabbi Jonathan Seidel


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