Time To Act

Love David Wagner’s column title: It’s About Time in the Weekly (7/5). So many possibilities of content, the old John Denver song of the same title being the most memorable, or perhaps the question, what do we do with all of our time?  

Every day, more than 15,000 children under 5 and 800 mothers run out of time and die of complications we know how to prevent. It’s about time to pass the Reach Every Mother and Child Act to help end these tragic deaths. It’s about time the nearly 200 co-sponsoring members of Congress bring it out of committee and pass it.  

It’s about time we speak up and see that these preventable deaths come to an end. It’s about time we make a call, write a letter or visit those who represent us, asking them to do this.  

Remember: Exercising our rights in a democracy makes it stronger. So, thanks again for the title, it is about time, and how we use it. Why not make a difference with some of yours?

Willie Dickerson

Snohomish, Washington

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