Get Out the Vote

This November is an important election at all levels of government. Yes, we need a blue wave at the national level, but we need to vote in Oregon for statewide and local candidates and issues as well.

We need to make sure Kate Brown is governor for four more years, as she helped stop the sale of the Elliott State Forest, is working to prepare and mitigate the worst of climate change for Oregon and create clean energy jobs that pay well.

At the county level we need to vote Heather Buch for East Lane County Commissioner to unseat Gary Williams, who has taken thousands of dollars from the logging industry. If Buch beats Williams, we will have a majority of progressive Lane County Commissioners, because Joe Berney beat Sid Leiken in the May primaries.

We can then help stop our public forests from being clearcut and stop aerial herbicide spraying that drifts and makes people, pets and farm animals sick and poisons waterways and wildlife. Land use issues are more important than ever as the population grows, with increasing droughts and hotter temperatures due to climate change.

Gary Williams doesn’t believe in human-caused climate change. Time’s up! Vote in November and remind others to as well.

Donald Alexander


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