Governor Kate BrownPhoto by Todd Cooper

Barack Obama Endorses Gov. Kate Brown

Brown responds: 'Thanks Obama'

It’s just the first day of October, and the Oregon gubernatorial race is getting hotter than a cup of pumpkin spice latte.

On the anniversary of the Umpqua Community College shooting, President Barack Obama announced today that he endorses Gov. Kate Brown in the upcoming gubernatorial race against Republican Knute Buehler.

Obama said in a statement that he had the opportunity to work side-by-side with Brown during the time of the UCC tragedy.

“Her strength and compassion have always shown the real meaning of Oregon values,” he said. “I’m proud to support my friend Kate Brown, and hope that in these trying times Oregonians recognize as I do that it’s important to keep Oregon moving forward as an example to the nation of how to come together and get things done.”

A week after the shooting, Obama and Brown privately met with the affected families.

Brown was just one of many Democratic Party candidates the former president has thrown in his support for.

The endorsement may come to help Brown since polls currently show that Buehler is close on Brown’s heels in the race.

In addition, tomorrow will be the first official debate between Brown, Buehler and the Independent candidate Patrick Starnes. During the debate, youngsters will ask the questions to the candidates. This time, however, Buehler won’t be able to dodge questions on his inability to declare a stance on the Brett Kavanaugh allegations (when a news reporter asked whether he believed Prof. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, Buehler decided to end a Sept. 28 campaign news conference).

It’s unclear whether state Sen. Buehler will receive President George W. Bush’s or President Donald Trump’s endorsement. If he received the latter, it sure would interest former Sam Carpenter supporters.

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