Heather Buch

Endorsements: Lane County

Go Joe Berney. Go Heather Buch.


Michael Cowles uncontested

Board of Commissioners

West Commissioner, Position 1 Jay Bozievich

Springfield Commissioner, Position 2 Joe Berney  

Joe Berney won in the primary but give him your nod in the general election. He’s worth it.

East Commissioner, Position 5 Heather Buch v. Gary Williams

The Lane County Board of Commissioners has seated a lot of old white dudes, now and in its past. Heather Buch could breathe some diversity into that musty government. But that’s not the reason to vote Buch for East Lane County Commissioner. She’s proven she has that can-do spirit to get out and meet with voters. Even outgoing Springfield County Commissioner Sid Leiken told her he thought she had a great future in public service when the board was appointing Gary Williams to replace Faye Stewart. And it’s not hard to agree with Leiken on that (no, hell isn’t frozen).

Buch, a small business owner, knows the necessity of affordable housing, and she wants the government to start being proactive rather than simply hoping for a solution. She also has some connections with St. Vincent de Paul, the nonprofit with a saintly duty to developing affordable housing. Buch is the type of person who could mobilize the financial allowances from Measure 102 if it passes. She’s also dedicated to finding out how the county government can work for economic development in rural Lane County.

EW endorses Buch because she’s the hero rural Lane County deserves and needs right now.

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