Alarmed Into Action

On Oct. 3 in Eugene, the first words out of Chris Hedges’ mouth were: “Well, this is where hope is, right here in this room, it’s with us.” As a father, author, professor and theologian, Hedges cares deeply about the state of our world, enough so that he is dedicated to spreading his message.

The truth is that Hedges is a realist. He doesn’t sugar coat anything, and his talks are aimed at alarming us into action. 

That’s why Community Rights Lane County (CRLC) and 17 co-sponsoring organizations were elated when the hall filled to capacity. His stirring presentation laid out a harsh reality that was designed to move us out of complacency and hopelessness into empowered action. So many people were motivated by Hedges’ words. 

If you are among those who see a place for yourself in a people’s movement, challenging corporate privilege and responding to a very real crisis, Community Rights welcomes you. Let’s not squander our Hedges moment. He implores us to demonstrate our love for one another, our precious Earth and all her creatures by springing further into action.

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Michelle Holman


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