Another Take On 102

The Register-Guard got it wrong in their Oct. 5 editorial against Measure 102. Too many people in Lane County are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table. Doing nothing to address our housing crisis is not an option, but that’s exactly what The Register-Guard is advocating.

Measure 102 is a broadly supported tweak to the Oregon Constitution that would enable — but not require — local governments to partner with affordable housing developers to provide homes for the most vulnerable in our community. State legislators got it right when they declined to lock in one-size-fits-all requirements.

Eugene, Enterprise, Springfield and Sisters should not be required to address housing issues in the same way. If, under Measure 102, a local government in Lane County were to propose a bond measure for affordable housing, let’s trust local voters to make sensible decisions about how best to spend such monies and what guarantees they insist on.

Local voters value accountability and transparency, and they’ve proven that time and again with smart investments with local bond dollars.

Measure 102 enables sensible local solutions to problems across our state. Join me in voting yes on Measure 102.

Rob Zako


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