No On 102

Measure 102? Not so fast!

Yes, just about everyone wants more affordable housing — but is this the right vehicle? Isn’t a lack of tax-based funding the real problem?

Measure 102 should be taken very seriously: It amends the state Constitution. We are told it will allow government to partner with non-profits and private industry, but they already do so in many housing projects; one critical difference the law will make is allow non-governmental entities to own and control these properties after they are built.

As far as “audits,” well, we know how our audit system works in Eugene: Our former City Hall now is going to become a tent city. And as for those “review boards?” I noticed an eight-member board just unanimously voted to grant immense tax breaks to the Obie 5th Street project.

Something is broken and it isn’t the Oregon Constitution. I voted “no” and invite you to join me until a clearer, better plan is set forth.

Jayme Vasconcellos


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