Global warming and climate change were not a consideration in 1937. Could someone please tell me why a dated act (O & C Lands) continues to be used as a rationale for logging that contributes to such? Time after time, the BLM uses an 81-year-old act as grounds to ignore the serious ecological problem of this time.
Essential services for schools and communities are cited as a justification for the overzealous harvesting. That is ironic to me, as the resource depletion, ecological instability and boom/bust cycles of heavy industry contribute to economic and regional depression in the first place.
The industrial logging model impacts more people and aspects of everyday living than ever before. The fact that the BLM and the timber industry are not responsive to that is a wake-up call that something is seriously awry.
The BLM’s Thurston Hills plan to clearcut large portions of a public recreation area close to farms and homes demonstrates how destructive their industry ties are. We need to speak out and say this is not okay anymore.
Kerstin Britz
Cottage Grove