The Fight Goes On

Community Rights Lane County (CRLC) continues to work toward real democracy, where we the people make decisions that protect our health, safety and welfare. Our sister organizations, Freedom from Aerial Herbicide Alliance (FAHA) and Our Community Our Rights (OCOR), are continuing their march for justice as they challenge the county’s action to block their initiatives from the ballot.

The decision affecting FAHA’s aerial spray ban initiative has already been challenged in Lane County Circuit Court, and is now on appeal to the Oregon Court of Appeals. That challenge is ongoing and will take many months to reach a conclusion.

The decision affecting OCOR’s Right to Local Community Self-Government initiative, which gives communities the right to write and pass laws to protect themselves from harmful corporate activity like aerial spraying, was brought before the Lane County Circuit Court in a hearing on Nov. 5, 2018, and we are awaiting a decision in that case. 

We believe these cases are strong and expect to prevail. 

Regardless, until laws that favor the planet and all her creatures are elevated above corporate profits, CRLC will continue to persevere. We will be increasingly active in 2019.

Consider joining us in the important work of creating actual democracy. Visit

Michelle Holman


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