Tony’s Baloney

Tony Corcoran’s mud slinging op-ed (Dec. 27) had nothing of substance to say. Why the know-it-all smirk and misplaced aggression? Obviously, he’s clueless about the amazing dedication and leadership of Bob Emmons with Landwatch Lane County.

Corcoran idealizes Rep. Peter DeFazio so excessively that he would stamp out criticism of any kind. Even he ought to realize that massive pro-timber initiatives do not slide by unnoticed.

Six years ago, DeFazio unapologetically became the leading proponent of a bill that would have divided Oregon’s O&C lands, giving more than a million federal forest acres to timber industry control.

When Democrats chose a minority leader for the House Natural Resource Committee, 15 Oregon environmental groups and two former U.S. Representatives signed letters favoring Raul Grjalva (D-Arizona) over DeFazio. Clearly, Emmons is not alone in the hope that the natural world can survive.

Corcoran’s piece is ignorant and crude. Let’s hope that whoever chose to print it will have some remorse and be more careful in 2019.  

Elaine B. Weiss


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