The Winning Handjob

Finally, some letter writers that live in the real world. Nice to finally see something in Eugene Weekly that does not spread bile about our president.

Brian Palmer had a great letter (Feb. 28) about immigration that the liberals will have a hard time answering. Just how many of these wonderful folks can we support? If I wanted to live in the Third World, I can always sneak in. I wonder if they will be as nice as we are and let me sign up for free education and school for my kids?

Also, Greg Williams had a great letter (Dec. 20) about global warming that had me rolling on the ground laughing about the thought of the seals breathing a sigh of relief with the demise of the polar bears.

EW, keep it up with the letters from opposing sides, as the same-old-same-old has grown stale. Trump bad and all socialists good is not a winning hand in my book.

David Northey


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