At the Lane County Commissioner Board meeting on April 2, several citizens spoke out for the need to address climate change. Commissioner Jay Bozievich responded, saying, “Around climate… it is not the crisis a lot of people are claiming it to be… I just have a disagreement about whether or not CO2 is driving our climate and whether man is having an impact that people think…”
This is alarming. For the past several years, every National Academy of Science in the world has warned us about human-caused climate change and rising greenhouse gases — the most respected climate experts agree.
Jay Bozievich, please resign. We need our public servants to understand the science and the severity of this global crisis and address it. Lane County should be encouraging more organic, regenerative farming as agriculture is stressed from climate disruptions. The California central valley covers 20,000 square miles and is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world and is rapidly running out of water.
This scenario is happening all over the globe. Local food production is key for building resilient communities and mitigating climate change as is protecting our public forests from logging.
Pam Driscoll