Baffling Endorsement

I am genuinely baffled and, frankly, extremely disappointed in EW’s position in endorsing Jim Torrey over Martina Shabram for Eugene 4J School Board (5/2).

In support of the endorsement for Torrey, EW states, in part, that “a conservative worldview benefits the 4J board in making decisions…”

If we ignore for a second that the aforementioned comment demeans progressives for their decision-making ability, it also definitively insinuates that Shabram is either unable or unwilling to accomplish the same tasks that Torrey (presumably) could. 

EW also manages to infantilize Shabram with its statement that she is “an enthusiastic person.” The fact that EW’s editorial board minimized Shabram’s candidacy and qualifications by reducing her to a personality trait is flat-out wrong. 

Shabram is an educator with a Ph.D who is endorsed by both school unions (The Eugene Education Association and Oregon School Employees Association) as well as the Young Democrats of Lane County. 

It is a resounding validation that both school employees and students want her on the board.

What is the point of the school board if not to represent its employees, students and community?

As for Torrey, it is a bad sign if his most impressive qualification is his existing 12 years on the school board. Complacency does nothing for progress.

I am flabbergasted by EW’s reasoning and insulted in its demeaning conciliatory aside of Shabram.

Eugene’s students and staff deserve to have a voice at the table.

They deserve to have Martina Shabram. 

Sera R. Miller


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