All for Kent

The Lane Education Service District supports teachers and students in Lane County School Districts, providing services for students with special needs, administrative services, technology support and school improvement. The ESD helps determine the direction of the district and communicates with the community regarding needs of the schools.

Nora Kent began her career in the education system as a volunteer tutor at the age of 14. She has worked directly with students from a wide variety of backgrounds and age groups. She has developed programs for adjudicated youth, teen parents, homeschoolers, English language learners and family literacy.

Kent has also taught in special ed classrooms, including Lane ESD’s EC CARES. Currently she works at Lane Community College teaching GED test prep and Adult Basic Skills. Many of her students have learning disabilities or suffer from mental health problems. She does her best to connect them with services and build self-esteem.

As an outreach instructor, Kent does marketing, public relations and coordination for program development. She has also served on strategic planning and hiring committees and has written grants to fund needed services.

It takes a person with a great deal of heart and a determination to work within these programs to help people realize their true potential.  Kent has boots-on-the-ground experience, which contributes to her ability to help create a vision and to collaborate with others to make it happen. All of this makes her the obvious choice for Lane Education Service District Director Board.

Vicki Dunaway


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