Lane Community College plays a vital role in our community and requires the leadership of people with experience, skills and commitment to guide the institution forward. For this reason I enthusiastically support the candidacy of Lisa Fragala for the Lane Community College board.
I first met Fragala in 2001 in the Eugene Middle East Peace Group. From the beginning it was clear that she is a person of tremendous compassion, integrity and passion for fairness. She worked hard in the group, and contributed her intelligence, sense of fairness, ability to listen to others and admirable communication skills.
Over the years I’ve been aware of how she applied these qualities to her work as an educator. I was delighted to learn she is running for a position on the Lane board because I know how much she believes in the importance of education and how committed she is to work for all members of the community.
Lane County is lucky to have someone like Fragala who wants to give of her time and energy to the greater good. We all stand to benefit with Fragala on the Lane Community College board. Please vote to keep her there.
Nadia Telsey