In Memoriam: David Lunney

With sadness and great memories, I noted the passing of David Lunney last week.

David was the artistic director at the Oregon Repertory Theater (ORT) during its time in the Atrium and then in the Eugene Hotel.

Theater-goers around in those days will never forget his production of Midsummer Night’s Dream on the mall, seen by thousands, and I will never forget the excellence of the many shows I saw during his time.

I was fortunate to work with him, suddenly finding myself with a troupe of actors in another league than myself, which is where any actor wants to be, and being mentored by a man I considered to be a visionary.

In his all-to-brief time here, he set a standard of excellence and professionalism in this town that has yet to be matched

Thank you, David, for your wisdom and your vision. I will miss you. There aren’t many actors from those days left in town, but I like to think that there’s a bunch more folks who witnessed what I witnessed and remember.

Ken Hof


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