History Repeating

I grew up during WWII and America was at war with people who did this. The only difference now is there are not yet extermination camps. But then, the attorneys seeing these conditions call them “life threatening” to infants and children. Massive overcrowding of cells so that adults must stand and even breathe with difficulty is incredibly criminal and tortuously abusive.

Put perpetrating leaders in jail now.

Do not let it “normalize.” Racism, hate, roundups and abusive detention is evil — and as much as the acts are illegal, it’s way past time to take action to stop them.

If you cannot get federal legal authorities to take action, remove those authorities, impeach the attorney general.

Send the FBI or even the Army to take the perpetrators into custody, perhaps including the president.

Here in Eugene we are seeing Nazi sympathizers painting swastikas in town.

Don’t let this go on another day.

Jerry Smith 


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