Feudal Oregon

On June 28, 2019, The Nation ran a story by Zoe Capenter titled “Behind Oregon’s GOP Walkout is a Sordid Tale of Corporate Cash.” I was among those rallying for passage of HB 2020 at the Capitol and will say that it’s the best article written so far on this disgraceful and anti-democratic act.

We are under siege by the greedy and entrenched who have seduced the disgruntled and misinformed. Why do we allow our elected representatives and laws to be so easily corrupted? It makes me sick and disgusted to learn that, as Carpenter reports:

“Oregon now ranks sixth for the total amount of corporate money given per lawmaker and first in per-capita corporate giving. According to an 18-month investigation by The Oregonian’s Rob Davis, industry has leveraged these donations to gut or block a number of environmental regulations. As a result, the state’s environmental protections are now far weaker than those of neighbors Washington and California.”

What this information means is that citizens who believe in honest government have to go back into the trenches. We’ve been lied to and shat upon. The Trump legacy is trickling down and leaving a stench across our state.

Jack Cooper


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