Ban Roundup

I grew up in Arizona, where more than two-dozen lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto due to the use of Roundup. Roundup is their best-selling herbicide.

These people sued Monsanto because Roundup caused them to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. One of said lawsuits even had an $81-million payout, but no one is paying attention to this issue. All of these lawsuits were filed under the category of “failure to warn.”

Monsanto is actively neglecting to inform their consumers about the health risks that come with the use of Roudup.

Each night, I personally go door to door to talk to 20 people about Monsanto’s Roundup. I do this because I do not want the citizens of Eugene to suffer like the people in Arizona have. That’s why I’m working with OSPIRG to talk to more than 10,000 people this summer about why Roundup should be banned.

Stephanie Burke


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