Torrey A Huge Mistake

The Eugene 4J school board made a huge mistake last week when they chose to appoint Jim Torrey back to the board after the people had recently voted him off.

The community spoke loud and clear about who it wanted to see on the board. The comments given were representative of huge numbers of 4J constituents. It was undeniably clear through the interviews (listen to them from the district website) that Maya Rabasa has the best perspective and background to be on the board.

Despite all of this, four members disregarded everything and everyone to appoint Torrey. Anne Marie Levis, Judy Newman, Alicia Hays, Mary Walston — how can you justify what you’ve done?

In a time when the board has asked for public trust, has counted on public trust to pass a bond measure and a levy, then completely disregarded the public wishes for representation on the board: What does this say for future board decisions? How can we trust the board to do what’s right for our children?

I want everyone in this community to pay close attention to the school board process and decisions. Torrey has a shady track record when it comes to being a board member and spending public funds. The school district will be receiving a lot of extra money in the next two years.

I have a feeling that Torrey will be instrumental in blocking the programs that we the people want to see in our schools.

Niki Smith


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