I’m going to fill you guys in on a secret: There’s no crazy conspiracy.
Conspiracy means “done in secret” and they are doing it right out in the open.
They don’t need “chemtrails” when you are perfectly willing to eat 40 pounds of high fructose corn syrup a year while we all breathe the same air. (Google “what does leptin do” and “does high fructose corn syrup block leptin.”)
They don’t need fluoride when you spend 4 to 8 hours a day watching the idiot box.
They don’t need to monitor you when you post your life here.
They don’t need vaccinations to give your kids autism when you are perfectly willing to let them pollute the environment because some talking head on the idiot box told you deregulation is communism. (Google “cancer clusters”.)
They don’t need to worry about your guns when your child’s healthcare is tied to jobs you hate.
They don’t need to worry about you rioting when you have 50-inch TVs and 70 percent obesity.
They don’t need to worry about who you vote for because you blame all your problems on who the idiot box tells you to blame while you have no idea what Citizens United is or what’s in the Patriot Act.
They don’t need to worry about “left” or “right” when your elections cost $6 billion paid by the same international corporations.
In summary, they don’t need a conspiracy when you are too distracted to pay attention.
Charles Echols