Randy Rainbow

His rainbow stretches from coast to coast, though it did have a minor communication gap for an interview request with Eugene Weekly. No worries, maybe another time. The time is now for the Randy Rainbow Live tour as it lands in Eugene on Friday. Randy Rainbow (his real name) is the New York-based YouTube composer and performer of classic and viral parody videos such as “Cheeto Christ, Stupid Czar,” “Just Impeach Him,” “Cruella DeVos,” “The Mueller Blues” and “He’s in Love (and we’re all gonna die).” Randy Rainbow does not limit himself to the rich, yellow brick road of political satire, however. That would be too confining, and the thin top soil of intellect that spawns celebrities can’t be ignored. There’s “Randy Rainbow Calls Lindsay Lohan,” “Randy Rainbow Calls Dr. Laura,” “The Morning After Chelsea’s Wedding” and “Randy Rainbow spends Christmas with Mel Gibson,” among others. All of it is done with Randy Rainbow’s spot-on writing and observations as well as singing from Broadway show tunes. 

Bathe in the multiple colors of the Randy Rainbow Live show at 8 pm, Friday, Sept. 27, at the Hult Center. $35-62.50. — Dan Buckwalter

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