Lost In Space

After attending the student climate change gathering in downtown Eugene on Sept. 20, I realized I have never heard the following 42 words spoken by any politician, in any news, who wishes to govern us here on Earth.

I would hope no one alive today would vote for anyone ever again who does not openly speak these 42 unexplainable words.

The 42 words: “The truth is, if you are willing to admit it, we are all lost in space on a small, 8,000-mile-in-diameter planet somewhere in what we humans call the entire universe, going around a star we all call the sun.”

As unimaginable as all of existence is, this planet is all we have. Think about it!

This true reality, along with our history, our science, our religion, our governments or managers, our inventions, and our children  — plus our illusions — equal the total sum of all we humans know to exist. Think about this.

My hope with civilization is we all start voting with common sense in every election on this planet. After all, it’s our children’s planet, too! And it’s your only planet, also! Never forget: There is no Plan B or Planet B available for us — only Earth, lost in space.

Leslie Zeigler


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