We have entered the do-or-die decade for protecting our planet from climate collapse. No single person or action will save us. We need the government to do this, just as we needed the government to mobilize for World War II.
We must elect people who recognize we are in a climate emergency and will lead on this most existential issue. The work must take place at every level of government because this is an all-hands-on-deck moment in time. The upcoming elections are an immediate opportunity to jumpstart this effort.
NAACP, Beyond Toxics and 350Eugene have partnered to organize a series of three candidate forums that will focus on climate and environmental justice issues. There will be one for state and federal candidates on Feb. 20, one for city candidates on March 12 and one for county candidates on April 9.
Come to the forums and speak with the candidates. Support the ones who seem best equipped and sincerely dedicated to push for the significant changes that society must make. Together we can build the political will to get this done.
For more details, go to 350EugClimatePAC.org.
Carolyn Partridge