Yes for LCC

Lane Community College is asking for support from voters this May on a critically needed bond measure.  I plan to vote yes and encourage others to do the same.

LCC is a gem in our community. When I go into a room full of people and ask who has had some kind of interaction with LCC, it’s a guarantee that 98 percent of the hands will shoot up.

There are more than 20,000 people who will go to LCC this year alone. More than half of these students will be the first in their family to attend college.  Higher education is still the great equalizer in our society. As the community’s college, LCC supports anyone who wants to attend and can afford to pay the tuition.

Voting for the proposed bond will enable LCC to try to hold the line on tuition.  This is critical for many who struggle to pay for college. Whether you are interested in transferring to a four year university or want to pursue one of the many career and technical programs at LCC, a “yes” vote will help LCC do the best job possible by its students.

Vote yes for LCC.

Lisa Fragala

LCC Board member


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