Evolve to the Occasion

Evolve Fitness wants to keep you and your kids in shape during COVID-19

Mary Staszak of Evolve Fitness

All you need to stay in shape during the pandemic is a mat, a computer and — your kids? Evolve Fitness Studio is hosting online workouts for adults and some much needed PE time for kids. Mary Staszak, owner of Evolve Fitness, says that, ideally, she’d love to be instructing in her Fitness studio, but Zoom classes will have to do for now. So Staszak is hosting a free strength-based yoga class, which teaches yoga and balance while throwing in some push-ups, burpees and other strengthening workouts. “It’s not your typical yoga class,” Staszak says. 

And for the kids stuck at home going a little stir-crazy, Staszak has been putting together 20-minute recess classes where kids can do exercises like squats, push ups and jumping jacks, ending with a dance party to “shake out the sillies,” she says. Because of issues in her lower back, Staszak had to put the kids’ classes on hold but is starting them again soon. 

Staszak calls her Zoom classes a “weekly gig” since the times and days of the week change. Looking forward, Staszak is working on coordinating a mat pilates class, where she would charge a small fee per session. She is also speaking with other instructors at the studio to see if they can pull some classes together. Zoom is a great alternative for the time being, she says.

For information on Evolve’s weekly classes, visit Facebook.com/EvolveFitnessStudios or Instagram @EvolveFitnessStudios.

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