Kidz Rock Music & Arts Festival

The kids are fine. They just need to break out of the tedium of a pandemic-driven lockdown. Don’t we all? The Music Education & Performing Artists Association (MEPAA) is ready and eager through the month of May to help relieve the built-up tension and showcase the kids with its annual fundraiser, the Kidz Rock Music & Arts Festival. This year’s edition, the fourth annual, is online, of course. Still, featured artists already are lined up through May 25, and MEPAA is taking more submissions. The kids are hungry to get out and perform, and Facebook will be the platform for viewing live and pre-recorded events. MEPAA also hosts Grrrlz Rock and MuseArt, and organizers note that the coronavirus pandemic has forced the cancellation of more than a dozen concerts and fundraisers. But MEPAA has found at least one way to keep the show going in May, and families can submit their videos or art photos to through May 15 to be considered for inclusion. MP4, JPEG formats or links to existing Facebook videos work best.

The Kidz Rock Online Music & Arts Festival itself kicks off 6 pm May 1 with featured bands and performers. Featured bands and performers continue 3 pm May 2 and 6 pm May 4. At 1 pm Sunday, May 3, there will be family videos shown as well as music mentor highlights. More information, as well as the performances, can be found at the Kidz Rock Facebook page. FREE, though donations are accepted.

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