LCC is a Lifeline for the Community

Over the past 20 years, I have never been more proud to be a faculty member at Lane Community College than I am now. My colleagues are making tremendous efforts during this unprecedented crisis, offering courses remotely and continuing to provide in-person instruction in essential health professions programs. The entire campus community has coalesced around providing stability and support for our students.

LCC is a lifeline to our students during the pandemic, many of whom depend on financial aid and who rely on continuing their studies without interruption as the most vulnerable face higher levels of unemployment and other life-changing circumstances.

LCC will be a lifeline to the community after the pandemic as we provide critical workforce development and fulfill our quintessential community college mission — providing access to higher education and steps toward social justice for our student population. Now more important than ever, the LCC Bond will help build the infrastructure necessary for the future.

An investment in LCC is an investment in the community. Please vote “yes” for the LCC bond.

Adrienne Mitchell,

LCCEA President


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