Trieger Ideal For County Commission

Laurie Trieger, candidate for South Eugene county commissioner, is the ideal candidate for this pandemic time. Her coalition leadership achieved paid sick leave in Eugene in 2015 and the Paid Medical Leave Act later for Oregon. Her foresight and hard work to follow through has held Oregon in good stead during this pandemic.

She helped put Oregon ahead of the curve as other states scrambled to figure out how to pay for this basic need. Congress had to provide for this emergency with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, requiring certain employers provide paid sick leave and expanded family leave when related to COVID-19. And this is only temporary. Oregon has established this on a permanent basis.

We are so lucky to have candidate Trieger, whose vision and passion will help us prepare for the future — not just fight immediate crises.

Vote for Trieger, who will anticipate crucial needs — especially in the area of public health, and provide leadership with on-target solutions.

Carleen Reilly


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