The League of Women Voters of Lane County encourages community members to vote “Yes” on the Lane Community College capital improvement bond measure in the May 19 election.
Residents and businesses across Lane County are experiencing a range of severe health and financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. LCC will be a critical resource and partner in the months and years ahead. If voters approve the bond, a mobile fabrication lab would bring instruction to remote areas. Proposed projects also include a new facility for the dental clinic and expanded health profession programs, technology updates in nursing education and a workforce development center.
The measure would provide up to $121.5 million for maintenance and capital improvements and enable LCC to leverage other funds to improve safety and security, update facilities and invest in 21st-century education. The League believes local governments should strongly emphasize maintenance of capital improvements.
The proposed bonds would increase local property taxes by about $3 a month, or $36 a year for a property assessed at $300,000. On balance, the League of Women Voters of Lane County supports the measure. It would address community needs across Lane County.
Gary Harmon, Keli Osborn, Jeanne Taylor
Executive Committee
League of Women Voters of Lane County