Trieger Will Bring Collaboration

I want to go on record expressing my full support of Laurie Trieger running for Lane County Commissioner, District 3, South Eugene. Commissioner Pete Sorenson is retiring, making this the first time this seat has been open in 24 years. If elected, Trieger will be the first woman to hold this seat.

There are a number of pressing issues facing our community, and we will need leadership that supports multiple priorities simultaneously. That’s why I’m voting for Trieger. She has delivered for businesses, working families as well as children’s health and safety in ways that already benefit us all. Have you seen Dari Mart’s “Fresh to go” kiosks? As the founding director of the Lane Council for Healthy Active Youth, Trieger collaborated with nonprofits, schools, local food producers and local businesses to help eliminate “food deserts.”

Trieger’s leadership often unites. Collaboration was a hallmark of her successful fight to bring paid sick leave and a higher minimum wage to Eugene. She brought many local businesses to testify about their bottom-line benefits when workers are well supported, demolishing the old story that the interests of workers and business owners have to be pitted against each other.

For decades Trieger has been helping to build community tables where we can all come together. Now she’s stepping up to offer her unique brand of warm, smart leadership to the Lane County Board. We’re going to need her, please join me in voting Trieger!

Angie R. Marzano

Owner, Hot Mama’s Wings

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