Lane County Farmers Market

Lane County Farmers Market looks larger this season than in the past. That’s just one more warped oddity of the COVID-19 pandemic all of us are living through. In addition to the restrictive measures in place this season, like a “social distancing safety officer” at each booth as well as no samples or public seating, Farmers Market also is spread out, taking up space formerly held by Eugene Saturday Market to comply with state recommendations to maintain that six feet of social distancing. And Farmers Market is as popular as ever with patrons and vendors alike adhering to the new guidelines, says Meghan Verberkmoes, the membership and marketing coordinator for the market. “Things have been going well,” she says. “All of our vendors are on board.” For how long is anyone’s guess. Saturday Market (separate and distinct from Farmers Market) has pushed back its opening date for this season multiple times and is hopeful it can open June 13. If that happens, how will Farmers Market reconfigure itself? “As of now, we don’t know,” Verberkmoes admits, adding that Farmers Market will work with the city to establish a “regular footprint in a different sort of way.” In the meantime, enjoy the quality of produce from Farmers Market and maintain your social-distancing manners.

Lane County Farmers Market is open 9 am to 3 pm on Saturdays and 10 am to 3 pm on Tuesdays at the corner of 8th Avenue and Oak Street. The first hour of each day’s market is reserved for senior citizens and medically high-risk individuals.

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