Stay Safe While Giving Back

It’s easy to forget the problems that the pandemic created as we pass the two-month date for Gov. Kate Brown’s original stay at home order and we adjust to social distancing as the new normal. But there are still issues we need to address, as the article “Homeward Unbound” states in EW’s 5/14 issue. Housing and food insecurity go hand in hand as more than 40 million Americans have applied for unemployment, and Eugene is not exempt from this. Already food insecurity was an existential crisis, with more than 41 million Americans dependent on food stamps before the pandemic, and that number is only expected to climb.

But the pandemic isn’t all about doom and gloom and the awful things we hear on the news. There are ways to help, and you can do that safely from your own home. OSPIRG Students, a student-run nonprofit is working to address food insecurity by hosting a streamathon, the Artist Showcase Fundraiser for FOOD For Lane County. Local artists will be sharing their work and educating listeners on what they can do to help out, and all proceeds will be going directly to FFLC. Find us on Facebook and join us on June 4 at 2 pm, and together we can enjoy beautiful art and help out those in need all from the comfort of your own couch.

Marcella Buser

OSPIRG Students

Campus Organizer

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