The Platform Festival

In response to COVID-19, Eugene’s Harmonic Laboratory is putting up an online festival to showcase the creative perseverance and cultural vibrancy of the arts community. The Platform Festival will be posted on Saturday, June 20, and will continue until Tuesday, June 30. The festival will feature exclusively artists from Lane County, including such well known figures as dancer Alito Alessi, artist Julia Oldham (pictured above as “Bridget, the Self-Help Bot”) and dancer/choreographer Cynthia Garner. 

The theme of the 2020 Platform Festival is “Remote Connection.” This festival will provide artists a space to share their work and earn a living wage in this financially unstable time. 

Works and artists will be announced on the Harmonic Laboratory’s Facebook and Instagram. Each of the 16 featured artists will have their own page with ways the public can support them, including Venmo and Paypal. Access is free but donations are requested; 100 percent of the donations go to the commissioned artists.

Even in the midst of a global pandemic, artists have used their creativity to help us all get through this together. It’s time to give back to those who have given us so much.

The Platform Festival runs June 20-30 at and and find more info at; $5 suggested donation. — Joanna Mann

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