Think & Drink Conversation with Samuel Sinyangwe and Nkenge Harmon Johnson

The murder of George Floyd on May 25 by a Minneapolis police officer has stirred anger and weeks of protest nationwide, including Eugene. Police reform is now the top agenda of many activists, and a recent Pew Research poll finds that the notion of reform is gaining traction, be it incrementally or with large-scale restructuring. But how would reform work and what would it look like? That’s the topic of a virtual Think & Drink Conversation with Samuel Sinyangwe and Nkenge Harmon Johnson on “Safety, Justice and Policing,” sponsored by Oregon Humanities. Johnson has been the president and CEO of Urban League of Portland since 2015 and has served on the staffs of several politicians, including President Barack Obama. Sinyangwe is a data scientist who leads the development research, digital tools and platforms to end police violence and systemic racism. His work can be found on the web sites for Mapping Police Violence and Campaign Zero. The conversation is moderated by Omar El Akkad, journalist and author.    

A virtual Think & Drink Conversation with Samuel Sinyangwe and Nkenge Harmon Johnson on “Safety, Justice and Policing” is 5 pm Tuesday, July 21, sponsored by Oregon Humanities. More information and RSVP is at

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